- Newsmaker: Orange County's Runoff Causes Problems for the Beaches - Health officials are warning swimmers to avoid several Southland beaches that been tainted by urban runoff from five major Orange County waterways. The Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board is working up new rules to control the pollution. Newport Beach Assistant City Manager Dave Kiff says it's all a matter of revenue and resolve.
- Reporter's Notebook: Court Says Gun Maker Not Liable for Illegal Use of Guns - The California Supreme Court has ruled 5-to-1 that victims cannot hold gun makers liable for the illegal use of their products. The case grew out of a 1993 massacre in which a killer modified a gun to fire like a machine gun. The San Francisco Daily Journal's John Raemer expounds on the decision and it's impact on the gun debate.
Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board
Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy