The Next Millennium
Douglas Messerli: Writer, poet and publisher, whose LA--based Sun & Moon Press puts out an average of 50 titles a year, and is one of the biggest publishers of translations in the country. His two newest are: MAY SKY, a history and anthology of Haiku in the WW2 internment camps; and NOTHING THE SUN COULD NOT EXPLAIN, the first in a series of international anthologies Carol Muske Dukes: Is both a published novelist and poet, as well as a professor of English, who teaches creative writing at USC. Her newest two books are: NEW AND SELECTED POEMS, coming out in the Fall from Viking Penguin; and the next edition of the POETS ON POETRY series called: WOMEN IN POETRY: TRUTH, AUTOBIOGRAPHY AND THE SHAPE OF THE SELF, to be issued by University of Michigan Press this summer. Her third novel is in progress; this Sunday, she'll have an essay in the LA Times, "Does Poetry Matter," and she's reading TONIGHT AT BORDERS in WESTWOOD. Rudy Acuna: Founder of the largest Chicano Studies Dept in the nation at Cal State Northridge; author of ANYTHING BUT MEXICANS: CHICANOS IN CONTEMPORARY CULTURE, published in 1996; his upcoming book SOMETIMES THERE'S NO OTHER SIDE will be published soon by University of Notre Dame Press. His widest-read publication is still in print, originally published in 1972, called THE OCCUPIED AMERICA Sheneska Jackson: Author of: Li'l Mama's Rules, set in LA, mostly on the Westside; it doesn't come out till June, but will be released expressly for the LA Times Book Festival, people in LA will be able buy advance copies of it ONLY at the Festival; her first novel, Caught Up in the Rapture was set in SoCentral. Sandra Tsing Loh: Author most recently of "Depth Takes A Holiday: Essays on Lesser Los Angeles", she's currently appearing on stage in her own solo work at the Taper, Too (the Mark Taper Forum's experimental stage at the John Anson Ford Theatre), which has been extended by one week, due to popular demand. You've heard her on "This American Life" heard Saturdays on KCRW; and she's soon to be a regular weekly KCRW commentator with "The Loh Life", beginning Thursdays in May. Carrie Kahn: Border reporter for KPBS-FM public radio San Diego Richard Reeves: Former NY Times reporter; an author of nine books, including "President Kennedy: Profile of Power:" named by Time Magazine as the Best Non-Fiction work of 1993; and his most recent book, written collaboratively with his entire family, called: "Family Travels: Around the World in 30 (or so) Days"