The Republican National Convention and New York City

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The Republicans got down to business this morning, passing their party platform by voice-vote, just the way the Democrats did in Boston. No debate was allowed on abortion, gay marriage, immigration or any issue that might detract from a weeklong display of party unity. Meantime, September 11 is very much on the minds of New Yorkers this week, as Republicans convene here almost exactly three years since the destruction of the World Trade Center. From the GOP National Convention in New York City, Warren Olney hears about yesterday's massive protest against President Bush, speaks with syndicated columnist Jimmy Breslin and a delegate from New York City, and gets an update on the rebuilding of the World Trade Center site. (An extended version of this program originally aired earlier today on To the Point.)
  • Reporter's Notebook: A Hollywood Republican with a Sense of Humor
    All this week from the GOP National Convention in New York City, Warren will be joined by former television writer-producer Rob Long. Now a writer for Newsweek International and, Long compares the "celebrities" at this year's conventions in Boston and New York City, and muses on what he calls "overconfidence" among Republicans as they wait to hear from George Bush on Thursday night.

2004 Republican National Convention

Bush re-election campaign

Log Cabin Republicans

Swift Boat Veterans for Truth

World Trade Center Memorial

Fahrenheit 9/11

Long's article on "celebrities" who love the GOP



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton