Vehicle License Fee Elimination?
TOM MCCLINTOCK: State Assemblyman & Republican Whip, (R-38th District, Granada Hills). Offered AB 1776 to eliminate vehicle license fee.ANTONIO VILLARAGOSA: State Assemblyman (D-Los Angeles) and Speaker. Opposed to elimination of VLF, supports Al Checchi who hasn't decided. JONATHAN COUPAL: Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, Director of Legal Affairs. For elimination of VLF, classic conservative view. FRED SILVA: Policy Analyst, Public Policy Institute of California Against elimination of VLF for sake of counties. DONNA LANDEROS: City Manager of city of Ventura. Former county administrator of Yelo County. Against the elimination of the VLF for the sake of the cities. DAVID STEIN: Manager of Performance Assessment and Implementation with SCAG, the Southern California Association of Governments. ADAM POSEN: Economist at the Institute for International Economics in Washington. BOB NAGY: Executive Editor of Motor Trend.