Will Bush Act like a Wartime President the Second Term?

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Committee approval of Condoleezza Rice has State Department transition almost complete. But as combat rages on in Iraq, President Bush is focusing on domestic objectives, including permanent tax cuts and reform of Social Security. Support is lukewarm in this country, according to a poll of 1200 people by the Annenberg Survey at the University of Pennsylvania. A BBC poll of 21,000 people in 21 countries found that there's anxiety overseas. Fifty-eight percent think the President-s re-election makes the world a more dangerous place. We get the latest approval ratings and speak with supporters and skeptics about the President-s prospects the second time around. (This segment was originally broadcast earlier today on To the Point.) KCRW will broadcast NPR coverage of tomorrow's inaugural, beginning at 8:30am.
  • Making News: State's Dueling Democratic Senators on Rice Nomination
    Yesterday, California Democratic Dianne Feinstein told fellow Senators they -can rest easy- with Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State. Today, California-s other Democratic Senator, Barbara Boxer, continued her assault on what she called Rice-s role in misleading America before the war in Iraq. Carla Maranucci, who reports on politics for the San Francisco Chronicle, says it's simply a case of "good cop, bad cop."

Opening remarks by Secretary of State-Designate Condoleezza Rice

Senator Boxer's opening statement at Rice's confirmation hearing

Senator Feinstein's introduction of Rice at Secretary of State hearing

San Francisco Chronicle article on Rice-Boxer exchange over Iraq policy

President Bush

BBC's global poll slams President Bush's leadership

Continentti's article on Bush election victory, expectations for second term

National Annenberg Election Survey on nation deeply divided over Iraq, Social Security

Nathan Sharansky's The Case for Democracy



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton