- Making News: State's Dueling Democratic Senators on Rice Nomination
Yesterday, California Democratic Dianne Feinstein told fellow Senators they -can rest easy- with Condoleezza Rice as Secretary of State. Today, California-s other Democratic Senator, Barbara Boxer, continued her assault on what she called Rice-s role in misleading America before the war in Iraq. Carla Maranucci, who reports on politics for the San Francisco Chronicle, says it's simply a case of "good cop, bad cop."
Opening remarks by Secretary of State-Designate Condoleezza Rice
Senator Boxer's opening statement at Rice's confirmation hearing
Senator Feinstein's introduction of Rice at Secretary of State hearing
San Francisco Chronicle article on Rice-Boxer exchange over Iraq policy
BBC's global poll slams President Bush's leadership
Continentti's article on Bush election victory, expectations for second term
National Annenberg Election Survey on nation deeply divided over Iraq, Social Security