Mark Gold

California Natural Resources Agency


Deputy Secretary for Ocean and Coastal Policy, California Natural Resources Agency.

Mark Gold on KCRW

Los Angeles lost a poet and a pioneer on Tuesday. Lewis MacAdams died from complications related to Parkinson’s disease.

A tribute to Lewis MacAdams, the poet whose mission was to restore the LA River

Los Angeles lost a poet and a pioneer on Tuesday. Lewis MacAdams died from complications related to Parkinson’s disease.

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

This week, federal scientists confirmed that last year was the Earth’s warmest on record.

Without Washington, cities look to cool off as the planet warms

This week, federal scientists confirmed that last year was the Earth’s warmest on record.

from The Mixer

The fate of a large piece of undeveloped land along California’s coastline will be decided   Wednesday  .

Coastal Commission to decide on massive OC development

The fate of a large piece of undeveloped land along California’s coastline will be decided Wednesday .

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

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As climate change makes water warmer, toxic algae is killing fish and plants in lakes nationwide, including Lake Elsinore. New technology could save them.

from KCRW Features

A breeding program and wildlife corridor are helping boost the population of the Palos Verdes blue butterfly, one of the rarest butterflies in the world.

from KCRW Features

California could lead the nation with a bill that would open up on-campus jobs at public universities and colleges to the state’s 60,000 undocumented students.

from KCRW Features

For State Farm customers facing canceled fire policies, the clock is ticking to find an alternative that doesn’t break the bank.

from KCRW Features

Fast casual chicken joint Koo Koo Roo is back. The restaurant announced its return to the LA dining scene on Instagram on Tuesday.

from KCRW Features

Journalist Abraham Lustgarten and scientist-turned-activist Rose Abramoff discuss the impacts of climate research on human migratory patterns and activism.

from Life Examined

Thousands of California tenants lose their evictions each year because they didn’t file a response in five days. Lawmakers want to give them more time.

from KCRW Features

More than a third of people living in Orange County are thinking about relocating somewhere else because of the high cost of living, according to a new UC Irvine poll .

from KCRW Features

Volunteers spent days cataloging the wildlife around the U.S. southern border during the annual Border BioBlitz to establish the region as a biodiversity hotspot.

from KCRW Features