Ask Evan: Is There a New Food Pyramid?

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askevan_header_2Every Tuesday I answer a question from a Good Food listener.  You can email me a question, leave one on Facebook or add one in the comments section here.  Today’s question is from Alisa:

Help! As a teacher of young children and a mom of 3 should I be abandoning teaching the food pyramid? Are there going to be new guidelines?

I reached out to Marion Nestle for this one.  She is the Paulette Goddard Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health and Professor of Sociology at New York University.  Her blog Food Politics is a must-read.

Marion writes:

The new dietary guidelines have been issued by the USDA. They are much the same as the ones that came out in 2005. The MyPyramid of 2005 will be replaced this year but nobody knows with what. I am hoping it will reflect the messages for consumers issued with the guidelines.  But, alas, it is not up to me.


Good Magazine recently had a contest asking readers to come up with their own food pyramids.  Check out the winner here.