Norwegian singer Mr. Little Jeans made a splash with her cover of The Suburbs by “Arcade Fire” and is back with an excellent new single, “Runaway”.
Stream it below, watch the video (directed by Zach Shields of Dead Man’s Bones), and stream the Wavves remix.
This is one of those tracks that I loved the first time I heard it and I’ve had it on repeat. So has Jason Bentley, giving it a bunch of spins on Morning Becomes Eclectic. It simply makes me feel good inside the way great pop music should.
Most artists would prefer not to be famous for a cover (even an excellent one) and this song proves that Mr. Little Jeans, a.k.a. Monica Birkenes has something special to offer as an artist. Her self-titled debut – produced by Ima Robot’s Tim Anderson –will be out this August so this is just a taste.
The press release describes her music as left of center pop, “equal parts organic magic and buzzing electricity”. Like many singers, she got her start in the church choir and was singing in bars before it was legal for her to do so. She eventually landed in Los Angeles so keep an eye out for this now-local artist!