Merely seeing the word overjoy in print is bound to call up that particular emotion, so to call your recording project by that name you’d better be able to deliver. Thankfully this L.A. based trio absolutely does, creating deeply emotive dance music that is so flat out pretty you can’t help but to feel great while it’s on. It’s no wonder then, that KCRW favorite Kauf has snagged their forthcoming EP Same for release on his record label One/Half. You’ve likely already fallen in love with the title track as Jason Bentley just premiered it over the airwaves during Morning Becomes Eclectic, but in case you somehow missed it or are dying to hear it again you’ve come to the right place.
Singer/songwriter Alexis Moraites was kind enough to expound a bit on how this particular track came together:
“We all are searching, trying to find our identities, and figure out where they fit into the grand scheme of things. To each of us, this task seems especially personalized and unlike anyone else’s plight. We are trying to translate some peace of mind to our listeners- telling them we all go through the same damn thing.”
This track will be available for purchase on June 6th via One/Half.
*As a bonus, here’s an earlier single from Overjoy, “Women.”*
(Header photo: Leo Volcy)