Sibling duo Wild Belle are from Chicago and, given the events there over the last few weeks, as well as President Obama’s move to take executive action on gun control earlier this week, they seem to have written a very topical new single with “Throw Down Your Guns”.
It’s just the kind of catchy pop track we’ve come to expect from this pair, but with a message that can be interpreted on a lot of levels.
We premiered the song on Morning Becomes Eclectic this morning and wanted to share the band’s thoughts behind it.
From Elliot and Natalie Bergman:
“Throw Down Your Guns” is a song of surrender. It’s a movement of love. It was one of the last songs we wrote for the album. I wrote it during a time of turmoil. Both personal and global. We are surrounded by a lot of violence in Chicago. This song is a plea for peace. It’s a cry for change. It’s an anthem of togetherness. That is what we hope to achieve on the album. We want it to bring people together.”
We were big fans of their debut “Isles” and hosted them as part of our SXSW showcase back in 2013. Check out a live highlight and look out for their new album when it’s released in Spring.