KCRW Broadcast 497

Fanatic! Happy October to ya! I hope you’re getting excessive amounts of music listened to. I’ve been doing what I can on the road. I have a good set up for backstage pre show listening, which also allows me to work on upcoming shows.

Have you heard the new Guerilla Toss album? Really good. I haven’t had the chance to check out the vinyl as yet but I’ve listened to the download a few times now and the more I play it, the more I like it. Another great one from them.

So far, a week into this month of months, I’ve not encountered much autumn weather. Today, I’m in Little Rock AR. It’s in the 80s. At least there’s some clouds.

Fanatic, we have architected some great shows that will hopefully set the world right for you all four Sundays of October. And with the below tracks, we begin.

Enjoy the month and STAY FANATIC!!!
–– Henry

Instagram: HenryandHeidi


