KCRW Broadcast 566

Fanatic. Andy Gill, guitarist for Gang Of Four passed away. We will listen to the Entertainment album soon, so you can get an idea of how innovative they were. I was lucky to have seen them a couple of times and they were great. 

The Super Bowl is happening today. I know it’s a big deal. I don’t know if you follow sports but you might be checking out the show at a later date. Whenever you get a chance to listen is fine by us but please listen if you can. 

Please make note and clear your calendar for March 22 when the Butch Willis documentary Amateur On Plastic will be showing at Zebulon. I’ve been looking forward to seeing this since I heard about it. 

The trailer:

I will be reminding you over and over all the way until show time!

Rock some Gang Of Four if you get a chance and stay Fanatic. 

–– Henry


