Greece seeks another bailout deal. Former DHS Assistant Secretary Juliette Kayyem just returned from Greece and says the country feels on the verge of something important. Office of Personnel Management Director Katherine Archuleta resigns after the Obama administration announces two major security breaches of U.S. government databases. The hack exposes sensitive information handed over for security clearances. "It's inexcusable what [leaving information vulnerable] did to 21 million people. What we gave to the government in the name of public service," Kayyem said, whose information is included. Could Donald Trump win the Latino vote? He says so. And he's leading the polls. Josh Barro wants to know if Trump and Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders can be compared. "The difference between Trump and Sanders is the difference between fascism and sanity."
Josh Barro (New York Times) moderates from the Center. On the Left, is Robert Scheer ( Tim Carney (Washington Examiner) is on the Right. And Julliette Kayyem (Host of the WGBH News Podcast Security Mom, former Assist Sec at DHS, Lecturer at the Kennedy School, former advisor at DOJ) is our special guest.
Photo: A Greek woman pauses by a broken marble National Bank sign outside a branch in Athens July 8, 2015. Euro zone members have given Greece until the end of the week to come up with a proposal for sweeping reforms in return for loans that will keep the country from crashing out of Europe's currency bloc and into economic ruin. REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis