California as a piggy bank for presidential hopefuls

Presidential candidates spend big money in California, and they fundraise big bucks too.

Ben Christopher, politics reporter at CalMatters, has mapped every zip code in the state, showing who has given money to whom. 

“The top zip codes in terms of overall contributions, they are 90210, they’re Brentwood, they’re Silicon Valley. It’s not too surprising there,” Christopher says. “But if you’re to look at… which candidates get the most from each zip code, it’s a diverse state. Candidates like Senator Harris or Pete Buttigieg, they do really well in San Francisco or downtown Los Angeles. Whereas if you start going inland, President Trump starts doing really well. Bernie Sanders does really well.”

Our panel looks at how well particular candidates are fundraising and what tactics they’re using; whether there’s a split between people who are getting more money versus who’s polling well.

