- Making News: Blix Delivers Weapons Report to UN Security Council
UN weapons inspectors told the Security Council today that Iraq has not yet accepted the UN-s demand to disarm, but appealed for a few more months of inspections as a -valuable investment in peace.- America-s UN Ambassador John Negroponte said that the Council must face its -responsibilities- toward Iraq and other proliferators of weapons of mass destruction. Colum Lynch reports from the UN for the Washington Post. - Reporter's Notebook: The Nuclear Option in Iraq
Since used against Japan more than 50 years ago, America-s atomic bombs have been categorized as the -ultimate weapons,- to be used only if the US were threatened by -weapons of mass destruction.- Now, former Army intelligence analyst William Arkin reports that the rule is changing as the Pentagon considers -the unthinkable- by preparing for possible use of tactical nuclear weapons against Iraq.
Blix-s address to UN Security Council
International Atomic Energy Agency
US Ambassador John Negroponte's remarks regarding Iraq
President Bush-s radio preview of his State of the Union address