- Newsmaker: Energy Secretary Met with Many Industry Execs
A court-ordered release of documents reveals that energy officials had a much louder voice than environmentalists when the Bush Administration was formulating its energy policy last year. Today's New York Times reports that the ratio of meetings for Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham was 100-to-none. Neela Banerjee, who co-wrote the story, says the facts contradict the administration's claim of a balanced study. - Reporter's Notebook: Bringing Down a Dictator: PBS Documentary on Milosevic
Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic is now on trial for war crimes at The Hague. But what did it take to remove the violent, brutal dictator from his position of power? A powerful new PBS documentary offers a surprising answer. Steve York, who produced Bringing Down a Dictator, credits Otpor, the small non-violent resistance group that stood up to the "butcher of the Balkans" to restore democracy to Serbia.
US Securities and Exchange Commission
UN International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia