Anti-Depressants and Suicidal Behavior

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Clinical depression is commonly treated with anti-depressants called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors. SSRI's have been called the -miracle cure- for a disease that can lead to suicide. They also add up to a billion-dollar business. Yet some critics contend that anti-depressants make symptoms worse, especially in children, increasing the danger that patients will kill themselves. The Food and Drug Administration itself is divided about the benefits and risks. Is there real cause for alarm about anti-depressants or is it over-reaction to an effective treatment of a devastating mental disease? We learn about drug-company studies with negative evidence that have never been published as Warren Olney investigates the controversy over anti-depressants with clinical psychiatrists in the US and Britain, an attorney representing alleged victims of SSRI's, and a consumer-rights advocate from the National Mental Health Association.
  • Making News: Photos of War Dead
    Last night on TV and in today-s morning papers, Americans saw images of flag-draped coffins coming home from Iraq. In Afghanistan, Pat Tillman was reported killed in action. The professional football player gave up millions of dollars to enlist in the Army after September 11. Susan Moeller, professor of Journalism at the University of Maryland, questions the Pentagon's objections to publication of the dramatic images.
  • Reporter's Notebook: German Ambassador and EU Expansion
    The US plans to go back to the UN Security Council before the transfer of political power in Iraq. That means asking approval from European allies who opposed the invasion. At the same time, Europeans are focused on expanding their Union to 25 states speaking 20 different languages. Wolfgang Ischinger, Germany-s Ambassador to the US, offers his thoughts on both.

Los Angeles Times article on publication of censored pictures and documents

Committee on the Safety of Medicine on SSRI use in children

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) advisory on anti-depressant use in children

Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency

European Union's consideration of new commissioners

The UN on Iraq

The US on Iraq



Warren Olney