Asbestos Trust Fund Reignites Tort Reform Debate

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It-s been decades since asbestos first made headlines as a deadly workplace hazard. Some 200,000 lawsuits are currently pending, and the numbers keep rising every year. Two thousand people a year are dying from asbestos-related diseases. More than 60 companies, many of them in the fortune 500, have declared bankruptcy, blaming asbestos litigation. Tomorrow, the Senate will focus on a controversial plan to end the lawsuits and set up a private trust fund to pay victims. But who gets compensated, and how much? Will victims lose out in the battle between corporations and trial lawyers? Guest host Sara Terry joins investigative reporters, industry insiders, consumer advocates, attorneys, and the author of one Senate bill, for a look at the incredible strain asbestos litigation is putting on the courts, on victims and on businesses.
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Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

Ban Asbestos in America Act of 2003 (S1115 IS, Patty Murray)

Fair Act of 2003 (S 1125, Orrin Hatch)

US Conference of Catholic Bishops

National Review Board

Bishop Thomas O-Brien of Phoenix

Cardinal Roger Mahony of Los Angeles



Warren Olney