- Making News: Baghdad Governor Killed Amid More Violence in Iraq
The Governor of Baghdad Province has become the highest Iraqi official assassinated since the President of the former Governing Council was killed in May. Combined with other deadly violence, his murder has raised once more the question of delaying the elections set for the end of this month. Cristopher Allbritton, who is in Baghdad for Time magazine, assesses the impact on the electoral process and on voters. - Reporter's Notebook: Washington State Official Certifies Democrat as Governor
In Washington State's November gubernatorial race, the vote-count showed Republican Dino Rossi the winner by a razor thin margin. Then, a manual recount gave Democrat Christine Gregoire the lead by 129 votes. Rather than call for a new election, as Rossi supporters demanded, Republican Secretary of State Sam Reed certified Gregoire's election. Reed joins us to discuss the closest in the history of Washington State.
Los Angeles Times article on assassination of Governor of Baghdad region
UN Resolution 1546 on the situation between Iraq and Kuwait
Secretary Powell on disaster relief
President asks Bush and Clinton to raise funds for tsunami relief
Sanger's article on aid summit as opportunity for President Bush
Washington State gubernatorial recount
Seattle Post Intelligencer on 8500-vote discrepancy in gubernatorial race