- Newsmaker: EU's Sophisticated Trade Politics
Responding to President Bush's tariffs on imported steel, the European Union plans to "hit the White House where it hurts" with retaliatory sanctions that target US exports from states that are critical to the President's re-election. Guy De Jonquieres, who writes for London's Financial Times, has more on the EU's playing politics with trade sanctions. - Reporter's Notebook: Mr. Shearer Goes to Camp: Directing Teddy Bear's Picnic
When he wasn't doing voices on The Simpsons, touring with Spinal Tap or hosting Le Show on public radio, Harry Shearer was writing, directing and acting in Teddy Bears' Picnic. The blurb for the new movie includes the line, "for 51 weeks a year they run the country-for one week they run amok." Shearer talks about his newest satire featuring world leaders behaving like fraternity boys.
Milosevic: Portrait of a Tyrant
UN: International Court of Justice
UN: International Criminal Court
UN: International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia