- Making News: Hijacking Threats and Airline Security
During his news conference this morning, President Bush was asked about recent warnings that al Qaeda might try more suicide skyjackings. The question followed reports that the Transportation Security Administration wants to save money by cutting back on air marshals. Today, that policy appears to have been reversed. Former CNN reporter Carl Rochelle is an aviation consultant who often appears on NBC and MSNBC. - Reporter's Notebook: Total Recall on Schwarzenegger
In California's October recall election to replace Governor Gray Davis, whoever gets the most votes will be elected, regardless of party. Though Arnold Schwarzenegger will reportedly not run, until he publicly rules himself out, he has the potential to shake up an already chaotic political situation. The Sacramento Bee-s Dan Weintraub reflects on the possible candidacy of the actor, producer, weight-lifter and would-be political broker.
President Bush-s press conference
Transportation Security Administration
Classification by Race, Ethnicity, Color or National Origin (Prop 54)
Racial Privacy Initiative (Pro-Prop 54 website)
Schwarzenegger's campaign website
Funding of Before- and After-School Programs (Prop 49, 2002)