- Newsmaker: Lebanese Reaction to Israeli Fighter Attacks - As Israel responds to mortar attacks by pushing its borders further into the Gaza strip, Arab states refuse Syria's call to cut ties with Israel after Israel's attack on a Syrian radar station in Southern Lebanon. Gibran Tueni, of Beirut's daily An-Nahar, updates the situation, including demands that Syria extricate itself from Lebanese internal affairs.
- Reporter's Notebook: Takeover of NTV - Journalists on Russia's NTV are accusing President Putin of trying to silence the one network that has aired critical reports about his regime. Today, print media run by NTV's former boss have been closed down too. Konstantin Eggert, who's in Moscow for the BBC, expounds on the reasons and ramifications of the "political vendetta."
Blowback: The Costs and Consequences of American Empire
Center for Naval Analyses Corporation
Cuba and the United States: A Chronological History