Congressional Intelligence Findings

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A joint Committee of Congress says the September 11 skyjackings might have unraveled if US intelligence agencies had gotten their acts together. After dramatic public hearings, the Intelligence Committees of the House and the Senate have issued their 9-page report with 20 recommendations. Though the bipartisan panel wants massive reorganization of a failed intelligence system, it could not agree on whether individuals should be punished for acts or omissions. We learn what the Committee-s saying publicly and what it has chosen not to reveal, as well as the task ahead for Henry Kissinger-s new investigative commission. Joining us are journalists and investigative correspondents, the head of a survivors- group, a top assistant on 1995 Aspin-Brown Commission on Intelligence, security analysts from the Heritage Foundation and Rand Corporation.
  • Newsmaker: Spain and US Seize North Korean Missiles
    Last night in the Indian Ocean, US and Spanish forces seized a North Korean ship with Scud missiles headed for Yemen. A focus of US surveillance for some time, the ship appeared to be a -stateless- vessel. Today, that same ship is being allowed to go on its way. Tony Karon, world editor for, has more on the search and release of the ship.
  • Reporter-s Notebook: Pakistan: Eye of the Storm
    Pakistan has been the focus of intelligence gatherers for the last 15 months. Though the country has long been recognized for its moderate vision of Islam, President Pervez Musharraf has become that nation-s first leader in some thirty years to confront Pakistani extremists. Owen Bennet Jones has written about the relatively young country and its relationship with the United States in Pakistan: Eye of the Storm.

Final Report of the Joint Intelligence Committee

Recommendations of the Joint Intelligence Committee

Bombs, Bugs, Drugs and Thugs: Intelligence and America-s Quest for Security

Reshaping National Intelligence for an Age of Information

Pakistan: Eye of the Storm



Warren Olney