- Making News: Deal Reached to End Grocery Strike
Some 70,000 grocery workers have been on strike in Southern California for the past 5 months. Yesterday, John Kerry walked a picket line at one of 852 markets where business has been disrupted. Last night, there was word that settlement had finally been reached. Kent Wong, director of the Center for Labor Research and Education at UCLA, has more on what is expected to be a two-tiered settlement that will likely have national implications. - Reporter's Notebook: Dark-Horse Candidate Dennis Kucinich
Getting a major political party's presidential nomination is all about winning delegates to the nominating convention. In the Democratic race thus far, John Kerry has about 675, John Edwards 200, Howard Dean, who's dropped out, has 188. Al Sharpton is still in with just 15 or 16, and Dennis Kucinich's delegate total is 8 or 10. Why is he still in the race? We speak with dark-horse candidate Dennis Kucinich about his politics and his platform.
United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) on grocery strike
Democratic presidential nominees' debate at USC
US-Central American Free Trade Agreement