- Making News: Democrats Block Spending Bill
After threatening to filibuster the $820 billion spending package the House passed last year, Senate Democrats conceded today it-s only a matter of time. David Hawkings, senior editor at Congressional Quarterly, which covers Capitol Hill, says President Bush's State of the Union address last night suggests he'll adopt a "do no harm approach," demanding little of Congress in the coming year. - Reporter's Notebook: International Reaction to State of the Union
Any State of the Union speech is watched and listened to around the world, especially by those involved in public affairs. This President has invaded and occupied an Arab country and his actions have defied the wishes of traditional allies. We get reaction to last night-s address from Rami Khouri of the Daily Star, an English-language newspaper, distributed throughout the Arab world, and Mary Dejevsky of Britain's Independent.
State of the Union Response from Congresswoman Pelosi and Senator Daschle
Defense of Marriage Act of 1996
National Endowment for Democracy
No Child Left Behind Act of 2002