- Making News: Police Investigating Whether Bombers Died in London Blasts
Scotland Yard investigators are focused on four men--three from Leeds in West Yorkshire--one of whom died in the bombing at Aldgate tube station. They're trying to determine if three others died at the other bombing locations. Jeff McAllister is London Bureau Chief for Time magazine. - Reporter's Notebook: Should the President Fire Karl Rove?
A year ago President Bush pledged to fire any White House official who leaked information about a CIA agent. Today, Democratic Senator John Kerry said that Bush should fire Karl Rove; New York's Hillary Clinton agreed. When the President was asked the question directly, he made no response. Neither did Press Secretary Scott McClellan at today's White House briefing. John Harwood is National Political Editor for the Wall Street Journal.
Scotland Yard on investigation into London bombings
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
DHS ups threat level after London bombings