- Making News: Courtroom Shooting in Atlanta
In Atlanta this morning, 64 year-old Judge Rowland Barnes was shot to death in his courtroom by a defendant who grabbed a deputy sheriff-s gun. Brian Nichols, on trial for rape, also killed the court clerk and another deputy on his way down eight flights of stairs and into a nearby parking lot, where he carjacked an automobile. Bruce Kennedy, News Director at NPR affiliate WABE in Atlanta, has more on one of the largest manhunts in Atlanta's history. - Reporter's Notebook: One Year after Train Bombings, Spanish Clerics Issue bin Laden Fatwa
One year after terrorist bombs killed 191 people on Madrid's train system, the Islamic Commission of Spain has issued "the world's first fatwa" against Osama bin Laden, and has urged other Muslim leaders to denounce him as well. The Commission represents about a million Muslims who worship at 200, mostly Sunni, mosques, which account for 70 percent of the mosques in Spain. UCLA Professor Khaled Abou El Fadl is an expert on Islamic law.
Reuters' feature on Atlanta courthouse shooting
Worldwide Church of the Creator
CBS News feature on threat against the children of Judge Nachtigal
The Times of London on bin Laden fatwa issued by Islamic Commission of Spain