- Making News: Russia to Reject the Kyoto Pact
Although President Bush has been criticized around the world for withdrawing US support for the Kyoto Treaty on Global Warming, Russia-s Vladimir Putin may deliver the fatal blow. Andrew Revkin, environmental reporter for the New York Times and author of Global Warming: Understanding the Forecast, says the treaty runs counter to Russian economic interests. - Reporter's Notebook: Motion Picture Association to Teach Anti-Piracy in Schools
Hollywood has decided there's just no way that college students and teenagers can be persuaded not to cut into corporate profits by downloading free music and movies from the Internet. So, the industry-s latest target is 900,000 fifth graders around the country, with a school program in -digital citizenship.- Freelance writer Jon Regardie has more on the new program financed by the Motion Picture Association of America.
India-Pakistan Cease-Fire
Since India and Pakistan gained independence in 1947, they-ve been fighting over Kashmir. The mountainous border region is the only Muslim province in India, a secular country dominated by Hindus, and hostilities between India and Muslim Pakistan run deep. Since an Islamic uprising began in Kashmir 14 years ago, 50,000 people have been killed. India says Pakistan has fomented the violence, and just last year, more than a million soldiers were ready for war. So, last week-s declaration of a cease-fire along the border brought a sigh of relief worldwide, especially because both India and Pakistan have developed nuclear weapons. We get perspective from experts on South Asia history, security and politics from all three sides of the dispute.