- Making News: President Bush Praises Defense Secretary Rumsfeld
As critics continue to call for Donald Rumsfeld's ouster, President Bush today issued a strong endorsement of his embattled Defense Secretary. That endorsement comes amid international outrage over the abuse of Iraqi prisoners at the hands of US military. Linda Feldmann, White House correspondent for the Christian Science Monitor, is following the story, including details on a confidential report by the International Red Cross documenting systematic prisoner abuse. - Reporter's Notebook: FDA Blocks Over-the-Counter Sale of Morning-After Pill
The Food and Drug Administration made a controversial decision this week, rejecting a pharmaceutical company's request to sell the morning-after pill over the counter. Plan B is now available only by prescription. The decision was a surprise, since a panel of independent experts had earlier voted 23-to-4 to recommend that the drug be sold over the counter. Gardiner Harris reported on the FDA's decision for the New York Times.
Feldmann's article on Americans' changing views about prison-abuse photos, Iraq
Sen. Lautenberg on Disney's refusal to air Moore's movie
Michael Eisner's letter to NY Times on Disney and Moore
Nightline 'The Fallen' episode
Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace interviews with Senators McCain, Bayh
MoveOn.org's "Child's Play" commercial