Israel Tests Fragile International Coalition

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President Bush has asked Israel to withdraw forces it sent to the West Bank after a cabinet minister's assassination. While Israelis are outraged that the wider war on terrorism requires them to back off, escalating violence in region does threaten Bush's worldwide coalition, with moderate Arab states increasingly nervous and even the European Union voicing concern. As the US tries to reconcile its support of Israel with building the coalition, we examine the impact of increasing Middle East violence on the coalition against terrorism, with political analysts and foreign policy experts.
  • Newsmaker: How Smart Are Our Smart Bombs? - In the war in Afghanistan, America has promised to avoid civilian casualties at all cost. Yet, despite the use of more precise weaponry, mistakes have been made. Dan Goure, who worked in the Pentagon during the first Bush Administration, evaluates smart bombs, technical failure, military intelligence and collateral damage.
  • Reporter's Notebook: The IRA Disarms - Irish Americans are excited about disarmament by the Irish Republican Army. But will it mean peace for Northern Ireland? While most welcome the gesture, author-journalist Jack Holland says others looked to the IRA as the last line of defense. He also predicts similar pressure will be brought to bear on Protestant military groups in the region.

Lexington Institute

Pentagon & US Dept of Defense

American University in Cairo

French Institute of International Relations

Hoover Institution

Jerusalem Media & Communications Centre and Palestine Report

US Department of State

Hope Against History: The Course of the Conflict in Northern Ireland

Irish Echo

Sinn Fein



Warren Olney