- Making News: Helicopter Shot Down in Iraq A commercial helicopter contracted by the US government was shot down by a missile today north of Baghdad. Eleven people were killed, including six US civilians. Patrick McDonnell, Baghdad Bureau Chief for the Los Angeles Times, has more on today's shooting as well as yesterday's grisly discovery of more than 50 bodies in and around the Tigris River.
- Reporter's Notebook: New York Stock Exchange to Go Public
The New York Stock Exchange is 212 years old, but it's about to undergo historic changes. The NYSE has announced that it's going public, and merging with an electronic-trading company called Archipelago Holdings. David Greising, Chief Business Correspondent for the Chicago Tribune, says today's news could portend the death of the trading floor.
LA Times article on downing of helicopter
McDonnell's article on discovery of 70 bodies in Tigris River
Filibuster and Cloture, US Senate on
Senator Frist on judicial nominees, filibuster
Babington's article on GOP support for UN Ambassador-designate Bolton
Rosen's NY Times article, "The Unregulated Offensive"
New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) on merger with Archipelago Exchange, going public