- Making News: US Troops Deaths in Iraq Top 1,500
The number of American fatalities in Iraq reached 1500 yesterday, when a soldier died in combat south of Baghdad, in a placed nicknamed the "Triangle of Death.- Two others have died since then. Steve Kull, director of the Center on Policy Attitudes at the University of Maryland, considers what that milestone is likely to mean for US support for continued American presence in Iraq. - Reporter-s Notebook: Asian Tsunami Doused Somalia with Radioactive Waste
Somalia, on the northeast coast of Africa, was hard hit by December's tsunami. Some 300 people died and 54,000 were left in need. Now, it appears that hazardous materials were illegally dumped off the coast and on the beaches. Now, the United Nations says that toxic waste appears to be responsible for sickness on shore. Nick Nuttall, who works for the UN Environmental Program, headquartered in Kenya, has more.
New York Times/CBS Poll on Americans' priorities on Iraq, other issues
Filibuster and Cloture, US Senate on
Federalist Society on judicial nominations
Heilemann's article on Republicans' fight to end filibusters
People for the American Way on judicial independence
Senator John McCain on Fox News Sunday
UN Environmental Program's post-tsunami environmental assessment on Somalia