- Making News: New Emergency Laws in Iraq
In Baghdad today, Iraqi security forces were engaged by insurgents in a rare, daytime gun battle. Meantime, Iyad Allawi gave himself sweeping new powers, including the freedom to search and detain people without judicial orders. Annia Ciezadlo, who reports for the Christian Science Monitor, updates the situation in Baghdad and discusses several of the Prime Minister's emergency powers. - Reporter's Notebook: Oregon Diocese First to File Bankruptcy
In recent years, major corporations have declared bankruptcy to protect themselves against massive produce-liability damage suits. Now, the Catholic Archdiocese of Portland, Oregon has done the same thing, but in this case, the claims it fears are those related to sexual abuse by priests. Chuck Zech, a specialist in church finance and the author of Why Catholics Don-t Give-and What Can Be Done about It, calls the news a real shocker.
Ciezadlo's article on Iraq, martial law