Prime Minister Tony Blair-s Visit to Camp David

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The British media call today-s White House meeting a -council of war,- a perception that could prove politically costly for Prime Minister Tony Blair. Polls show that 85% of the British oppose war in Iraq without another Security Council Resolution. Blair-s own Labor Party is sharply divided, and even some of the Tories are restless. Critics are calling Blair America-s -poodle,- but supporters say he-s a man of conviction who can restrain a trigger-happy Texas -cowboy.- Why has Blair chosen to take Great Britain into what many of his own people call -America-s war?- We hear conflicting voices from across the Atlantic, including journalists from the Independent, Daily Telegraph, and Weekly Standard, as well as a US and British trade advisor, and members of Britain-s Labor and Liberal Democratic Parties.
  • Making News: Searing Report on Los Alamos
    Investigators from the Department of Energy are painting a picture of theft, illegal spending and other forms of corruption at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. The New Mexico laboratory is home to some of America-s most sensitive nuclear secrets. The San Francisco Chronicle-s Jim Sterngold of the San Francisco Chronicle says they may have understated the problem.
  • Reporter's Notebook: George Mitchell on Saddam, Security, 911 Commission
    For decades, George Mitchell has been a major player in US and world affairs. The former Democratic Senator from Maine was his party-s leader in the upper house, before turning diplomat. He brokered Northern Ireland-s Good Friday Peace Accords, and he chaired a committee on violence in the Middle East. Now an attorney with the Washington firm of Piper Rudnick, Mitchell talks about the state of the nation and the world today.

Sterngold-s article on Los Alamos

Department of Energy

National Nuclear Security Administration

DOE/NNSA Report on Los Alamos

10 Downing Street

White House

911 Commission

Good Friday Agreement



Warren Olney