Reaction to Bush Speech

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Afghanistan's Taliban have rejected the President's ultimatums, even as bombers and ground troops head for the Middle East and South Asia. And while the President's speech last night may have rallied the nation, it was short on specifics. Also unclear is how many countries will line up behind the US in its war against terrorism, despite the President's claim that terrorists are operating in 60 nations. We consider the military options in Afghanistan and potentially unintended consequences of such a campaign, with journalists, security analysts and foreign relations experts.
  • Newsmaker: Tom Ridge and Homeland Defense Cabinet Post - The most specific announcement in President Bush's speech to America last night was the appointment of Tom Ridge to head a cabinet-level office of homeland security. Jim O'Toole, of the Pittsburg Post-Gazette, offers several reasons why the President chose the Pennsylvania governor to head the new cabinet coordination efforts.
  • Reporter's Notebook: Philadelphia Hockey Stops, Ends with Bush Speech on Scoreboard - Last night's hockey game at Philadelphia's First Union Center between the Flyers and New York Rangers began with fistfights but ended with handshakes. Tim Panaccio, sportswriter for the Philadelphia Inquirer, recounts how rabid hockey fans called a time out to hear from their President.

Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge

Pittsburg Post-Gazette

Brookings Institute

Containing Nationalism

Council on Foreign Relations

The Friday Times

National Security Agency

National Security Council

The Truth of Power: Intellectual Affairs in the Clinton White House

The Philadelphia Inquirer



Warren Olney