- Making News: White House Acknowledges State of Union Inaccuracies
In his State of the Union Speech in January, President Bush said, -the British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa.- Now, the White House has publicly acknowledged that it relied on incomplete and perhaps inaccurate information. David Sanger, White House correspondent for the New York Times, traces the events that led to the revelation. - Reporter's Notebook: Frank Lloyd Wright-s Baghdad
It is widely reported that in the so-called -Arab street,- America and the West are regarded as a hostile force intent on destroying Islamic culture. One path to reversing that perception could lie in drawings of America-s greatest architect. Architect-historian Mina Marefat, Rockefeller Scholar at the Library of Congress, says Frank Lloyd Wright's grand vision for the city of Baghdad was designed to honor its cultural and historic past.
Ambassador Joseph Wilson-s op-ed piece in the New York Times
World Health Organization (WHO) on AIDS/HIV
Frank Lloyd Wright: Europe and Beyond (collection of essays contains one by Marefat)