- Making News (local broadcast): Mounting Violence in Haiti
The US government has urged 20,000 Americans to leave Haiti, after insurgents torched police outposts and threatened new attacks in a spreading rebellion against President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Time magazine correspondent Kathy Klarreich, who has recently returned from the island nation, updates the latest response of the opposition and armed rebels, as well as ongoing diplomatic efforts to restore calm and the rule of law. - Making News: Americans Flee Haiti
Americans are fleeing the island nation of Haiti, where insurgents have torched police outposts and threatened new attacks in a spreading rebellion against President Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Edwedge Balutansky is reporting from Port au Prince for the BBC. - Reporter's Notebook: Union of Concerned Scientists Report Twenty Nobel laureates are among those claiming that the Bush administration is distorting science to conform to preordained policies, rather than using science to determine what those policies should be. The White House scientific advisor calls it a -conspiracy theory.- We get two perspectives from physicist Kurt Gottfried, who chairs the board of the Union of Concerned Scientists, and Charlie Coon, a senior policy analyst for energy and the environment at the Heritage Foundation.
Organization of American States (OAS) on Haiti
Union of Concerned Scientists' report on scientific integrity and policymaking