The information superhighway was touted as a means to bring massive amounts of information to the masses, but file-sharing systems have allowed millions to bypass record stores and download music illegally for free. The Recording Industry Association of America recently settled a multi-million-dollar lawsuit against four college students for just such copyright infringement. Yet millions continue to perform illegal downloads every day, and the music industry says it-s costing them billions in lost sales and artists millions in lost royalties. Will such downloads be the death knell of the record industry, or will legal action and technological alternatives save the industry from extinction? Guest host Jim Moret speaks with journalists from BusinessWeek and, the president of the RIAA, an attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation and music manger Miles Copeland.
- Making News: Worldwide Terror Alert
Security is being tightened in Saudi Arabia as the US State Department warns of another possible attack on foreign residential compounds in the Red Sea port of Jeddah. The intelligence reports come a day after Washington criticized the Saudis for not doing enough to prevent Monday-s car bombings in Riyadh, which killed 34 people. Glenn Kessler is in Riyadh, following the story for the Washington Post. - Reporter's Notebook: A Mighty Wind
Forget special effects, big budgets and cumbersome scripts. Give an acting troupe a story outline and characters, roll the cameras and make a masterpiece. Such is the unlikely formula for the success of Christopher Guest and his latest movie. A Mighty Wind opened in a mere handful of theaters, and like the folk music upon which it is based, began to sweep across the nation, enchanting audiences with its harmony and humor.
Jim Moret has had an extensive career in both local and national television news reporting over the past 20 years, including nearly a decade at CNN. Recently, he's hosted a number of specials on ABC, and appeared in the feature film,
A Mighty Wind.
Kessler's article, "Saudis Confront Fear and Resentment in Wake of Attacks"
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