To the Point The Las Vegas Strip turned into a war zone Hosted by Warren Olney Oct. 02, 2017 National Listen 51 min MORE Photo: A pair of cowboy boots is shown in the street outside the concert venue. (Steve Marcus/Las Vegas Sun/Reuters) From this Episode: The Las Vegas Strip turned into a war zone A gunman shot and killed at least 58 people and wounded more than 500 at a Country Music Festival in Las Vegas. Automatic gunfire rained down on a crowd of 22,000 from the... 38 min Trump cuts refugee cap to all time low President Trump has cut the number of refugees to be allowed into the country next year to 45,000 — less than half the 110,000 Barack Obama set for this year and the... 11 min Credits Host: Warren Olney Producers: Luke Vander Ploeg, Yael Even Or, Andrea Brody, Devan Schwartz