- Making News: Military Update from Iraq
In Iraq, 7 employees of the Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root are missing and unaccounted for. General Ricardo Sanchez, Iraq Coalition commander, said he had no information about their whereabouts as he updated the military's action in Fallujah. Nicholas Riccardi, who's in Baghdad for the Los Angeles Times, says the military is literally engaging in "shuttle diplomacy" as it attempts to return control to local law enforcement. - Reporter's Notebook: Was PDB an Imminent Warning or Background Memo?
Last week, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice told the 9-11 investigating commission that the famous August 6, 2001 Presidential Daily Briefing contained note much more than -historical material.- Over the weekend, the White House declassified the briefing itself. But that has not ended debate about what it says-or what it means, as we hear from Michael Tomasky of The American Prospect and Byron York of the National Review.
Riccradi's article on cease-fire in Fallujah
Halliburton press statement on current Iraq situation
Iraq Governing Council (BBC profile)
Iraq Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA)
UN Security Council Resolution 1511 regarding Iraq, Kuwait