- Newsmaker: Heroism on United Flight 93 - Amid unthinkable devastation and horrific images on television, accounts of heroism began to emerge. Charles Lane, of The Washington Post, reported on cell-phone conversations from passengers on United Flight 93, which had crashed in Pennsylvania. By resisting terrorist skyjackers, they may have diverted the plane from its intended target. (Originally broadcast September 12, 2001 on Which Way, LA?.)
- Reporter's Notebook: Philadelphia Hockey Stops, Ends with Bush Speech on Scoreboard - The hockey game at Philadelphia's First Union Center between the Flyers and New York Rangers began with fistfights but ended with handshakes. Tim Panaccio, sportswriter for the Philadelphia Inquirer, recounts how rabid hockey fans called a time out to hear from their President. (Originally broadcast September 21, 2001 on To the Point.)
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