- Newsmaker: UN Plans for Humanitarian Debacle in Iraq
While the White House is likely to declare that Iraq has failed to account completely for its weapons programs, President Bush will defer from making any pubic statement until after Chief Weapons Inspector Hans Blix makes his report to the UN Security Council. Michael Phillips of the Wall Street Journal says that UN agencies are preparing for the fallout of a US decision to pursue military action in Iraq. - Reporter's Notebook: World Trade Center Plans Unveiled
After six proposals for rebuilding on the site of New York-s World Trade Center were rejected by critics and the general public, some of the world-s most prominent architectural firms were asked to produce more -flexible and creative- designs. The New Yorker-s Paul Goldberger, author of The World Trade Center Remembered, reports that the 9 new visionary designs combine security, skyline gardens and civic space.
UN High Commission on Refugees (UNHCR)
UN International Children's Education Fund (UNICEF)
UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC)
Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization (KEDO)