US Involvement in the Crisis in Colombia

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Colombia gets more US aid than any country other than Israel and Egypt. Yet, despite the collapse of peace talks and Colombia's descent toward civil war, the Bush Administration has decided against escalating military involvement, at least for now. But in the world capital of cocaine and kidnapping, deadly violence is on the increase, and each day is a fight for survival as soldiers, rebels and death squads roam the countryside. As pressure builds, will the focus shift away from fighting drug traffic? Will President Bush extend the war on terrorism to Colombia? We look at the pressure for deeper US involvement in a country torn apart by drugs, kidnappings, leftist rebels and paramilitary groups, with human rights advocates, military strategists, and Latin American policy analysts.
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Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

National Cancer Institute

USA Today

American Friends Service Committee

Inter-American Dialogue

US Army War College

US News and World Report

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Witness for Peace



Warren Olney