- Newsmaker: Changing Opinion on Palestinian Suicide Bombers
According to a poll released today by the Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, support for suicide bombings inside Israel has declined. There is also strong support for reform of Yasser Arafat's Palestinian Authority. Ghassan Khattib, director of the Jerusalem Media and Communications Center, looks at this significant trend towards moderation and the search for peaceful solutions. - Reporter's Notebook: Changing Face of China's Three Gorges River
Next June, the waters will begin rising in the world's largest dam. China's 60-story high Three Gorges Dam will forever change the local landscape and lifestyles, requiring at least 1.5 million people to be moved from their homes. To the Point host Warren Olney, who is visiting the banks of the Yangtze River, considers the destruction of 2000 years of culture and history and what it will mean for 300 million Chinese.
Jerusalem Media and Communications Center