Week's Wrap-up: Speeches, Supremes, and Subpoenas

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From Yasser Arafat and the Middle East, to the Pledge of Allegiance, school vouchers and continued corporate meltdowns, President George Bush has traveled a potentially rocky political landscape this week, addressing things that one doesn't usually discuss in polite conversation. Will his decisions win new voters to the Republican Party? Is the religious right gaining new ground? Can Bush distance himself from big business without losing longtime supporters? We look at the changing political landscape and its impact on the President, Congress and midterm elections with leaders from the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies and the Muslim Public Affairs Council and journalists from the Los Angeles Times, The Forward and The Nation. Sara Terry guest hosts.
  • Newsmaker: US Makes Immunity Condition to Bosnia Peacekeeping
    The US is fighting an eleventh-hour battle on the eve of the creation of the world's first war crimes court. The US wants a guarantee that its peacekeeping troops are granted immunity from the International Criminal Court, which will be inaugurated Monday. If it doesn't get its way, it is threatening to veto a renewal of the multinational peacekeeping force now on the ground in Bosnia. Erwin Arieff is UN correspondent for Reuters.
  • Reporter's Notebook: One Woman's Battle to Veil Her Face and Stay on the Road
    While many dread the identification photos issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles, the photos actually violate the beliefs of some religiously observant people. That's true for a Muslim woman in Florida, who does not want to remove her veil for her driver's license photo. The state says she can't drive if she doesn't. Pedro Ruz Gutierrez, of the Orlando Sentinel, has more on the collision between public safety and religious freedom.

International Criminal Court

UN Mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Reuters News Service

Foundation for the Defense of Democracies

The Forward

Los Angeles Times

Muslim Public Affairs Council

The Nation

Orlando Sentinel article




Warren Olney