White House Admits Failure in Anti-Drug Message

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America-s drug czar has admitted that nearly one billion dollars and five years after it began, the White House-s anti-drug campaign targeting the nation-s youth has flopped. The media is peppered with commercials aimed at making young people think twice about doing drugs, including the infamous, -this is your brain on drugs- and -I helped- ad which relates drug-buying to supporting terrorism. So what went wrong? What works? What doesn-t? We speak with advertising and marketing specialists, a former White House drug control strategist, a member of the Drug Policy Alliance, and a TV writer about what it takes to craft a successful anti-drug message. Sara Terry of The Christian Science Monitor guest hosts.
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President Bush-s Initiative for a New Cuba

Varela Project

White House Office of National Drug Control Policy

Advertising Age

Drug Policy Alliance


Lifecourse Associates

Partnership for a Drug Free America

Safety First

New York Times Magazine



Warren Olney