Will Democracy Advance the Peace Process in the Middle East?

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There was more violence today in the Middle East. After three militants were killed by Israel, a Palestinian rocket was followed by Israeli artillery fire. Meantime, politics on both sides are increasingly complicated. In last week's local Palestinian elections, Hamas demonstrated its growing strength by winning in several cities, including Nablus, the biggest town in the West Bank. Next month, parliamentary elections are scheduled--the first since 1996--but the rise of Hamas has put them in jeopardy. Israel's own election is scheduled for March, and it's likely to be affected by the results from the occupied territories. What about the health of Ariel Sharon, his one-man party and the new leaders of Likud and Labor? We hear about the growing strength of Hamas, the Palestinian group committed to Israel's destruction.
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Secretary Rumsfeld hints at troop reduction during flight to Iraq

Defense Authorization Bill FY2006 (S 1042)

Uniform Standards for Interrogation of DOD Detainees (McCain amendment, SA 1977)

Palestinian National Authority

Government of Israel

Myre's article on Israel's threat to hinder Palestinian vote

British Transport Police

National Safety Camera Programme

Connor's article on Britain's becoming first country to monitor every car journey



Warren Olney