- Making News: US Says Europe Will Approve UN Sanctions against Iran
Undersecretary of State Nicholas Burns said in Paris today that Europe will agree to economic sanctions if Iran continues its nuclear program. Iran says Europe is bowing to American pressure. Mary Dejevsky, chief editorial writer for the Independent in London, says the draft resolution is not yet the fait accompli the US would have the world believe. - Reporter's Notebook: Black Community Reacts to Immigration Protests
Civil-rights leader Jesse Jackson, who supported yesterday's demonstrations for immigrants' rights as a ---movement for social justice,--- is calling on African Americans to make common cause with newly arrived Latinos, legal and otherwise. But the community is not a monolith and polls show that many blacks do not share Jackson's support of the movement. Former Chicago City Councilman Cliff Kelley is host of The Cliff Kelley Show on WVON.
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Iran
Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) Standards
ECD Ovonics' hydrogen conversion program
Jesse Jackson's Chicago Sun Times' column on immigrants' rights