- Newsmaker: Supreme Court Defends Ohio School Voucher Program
The US Supreme Court has approved a so-called -voucher- program in Cleveland, Ohio which would allow public money to be spent at religious schools, as long as parents have a choice of secular schools as well. David Savage, who writes on the court for the Los Angeles Times, discusses this decision and high court-s approval of random drug testing in public schools. - Reporter-s Notebook: Historical Perspective on Pledge of Allegiance Ruling
Politicians have lost no time in denouncing 9th Circuit Court of Appeals- ruling that called part of the pledge recited in public schools unconstitutional. But -under God- has only been in the Pledge of Allegiance since 1954, and the Constitution mandates a neutrality between church and state. UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh examines patriotic ritual, -ceremonial deism- and the legal issues of yesterday-s ruling.
Supreme Court: School Vouchers
Supreme Court: Random Drug Testing
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