Ann Videriksen

Design publicist


Design publicist based in Los Angeles, California

Ann Videriksen on KCRW

Goodbye, Julius Shulman

from Design and Architecture

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Robin Stern, psychoanalyst and author of “The Gaslight Effect: How to Spot and Survive the Hidden Manipulation Others Use to Control Your Life”, explains what gaslighting is and shares…

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A paid summer program helps teenagers learn trade skills that are in high demand but usually not taught in classrooms.

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Paul Haddad’s “Inventing Paradise: The Power Brokers Who Created the Dream of Los Angeles” details how a small town turned into a bustling metropolis.

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Women with Wrenches demystifies the often male-dominated field of auto repair and upkeep, teaching attendees the basics of car maintenance.

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Regency Theatres is closing its iconic Fox and Bruin theaters in Westwood Village. The Fox will undergo renovations, but the fate of the Bruin remains uncertain.

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The owner of historic Hollywood studio Boulevard Recording struggles to keep the doors open following the pandemic, a crumbling industry, and a devastating fire.

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We are regularly bombarded with advertisements promoting unproven and non-approved dietary supplements. Congress has chosen to look the other way.

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How do I get over someone I never dated? Fatphobia is ruining my dating life! Author and activist Virgie Tovar gives advice.

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This week, Alain de Botton , philosopher, author and founder of The School of Life talks about why today’s social and cultural environment is contaminating our peace of mind.

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